<aside> 🎶 This is part of a ongoing series called Building A Music Engine
It documents the process of me smashing my head against the keyboard to build a game called LETSGO
It’s gotten long enough to break into several sections:
<aside> 😇 Note from the future:
This article comes as a live debugging session trying to debug impenetrable Unreal C++ errors.
One of those poorly documented Unreal things that you just have to learn through osmosis and **PAIN
This document is me smashing my head against the keyboard for 2 weeks trying to figure it out.**
If you don’t want to see the process in which a man falls completely apart only to randomly stumble on the solution, you can skip to the next part here:
It’s day 7 of trying to make a working get/set method in Unreal C++.
These are the kind of thoughts you find yourself having:
*To have the ALetsGoGameMode have working get/set method accessors for the UQuartzClockHandle I attempted to set the reference of MainClock
as a TWeakObjectPtr.
This satisifies Rider- no squiggly lines in the Editor.
Compile/Build fails with:*
------ Building 11 action(s) started ------
[1/11] Compile [x64] SharedPCH.Engine.Cpp20.InclOrderUnreal5_0.cpp
[2/11] Compile [x64] LETSGO.init.gen.cpp
[3/11] Compile [x64] LetsGoGameMode.cpp
[4/11] Compile [x64] ULetsGoMusicEngine.cpp
[5/11] Compile [x64] LETSGO.cpp
[6/11] Compile [x64] LetsGoGameMode.gen.cpp
[7/11] Compile [x64] ULetsGoMusicEngine.gen.cpp
[8/11] Compile [x64] MainClock.gen.cpp
[9/11] Compile [x64] LetsGoGameState.gen.cpp
[10/11] Compile [x64] LetsGoGameState.cpp
Projects\\LETSGO\\Source\\LETSGO\\GameModes\\LetsGoGameState.cpp(14): error C2440: 'delete': cannot convert from 'TWeakObjectPtr<UQuartzClockHandle,FWeakObjectPtr>' to 'void*'
Projects\\LETSGO\\Source\\LETSGO\\GameModes\\LetsGoGameState.cpp(14): note: No user-defined-conversion operator available that can perform this conversion, or the operator cannot be called
[11/11] Compile [x64] MainClock.cpp
Total time in Parallel executor: 74.35 seconds
Total execution time: 84.68 seconds
Build failed.
Cannot convert from
is a pointer. A pointer to nothing.