If there’s one thing that sends me, its putting a random word in front of “Driven Development” and preaching it as the best way to write software.

Ye oldheads will live n’ die by Test Driven Development (TDD).

There’s also Behavior Driven Development.

Hell I’ve pitched Superpower Driven Development as a framework. (Figure out what your teams “superpowers” are- what they’re really good at- and lean hard into those things).

Well color me excited when I was researching DORA metrics because I came across a new one:

Hypothesis-Driven Development

How to Implement Hypothesis-Driven Development | Thoughtworks

They be putting the word Hypothesis in front of Driven Development!

Without even clicking on anything I like the sound of it.

Immediately you envision a more “scientific approach” to software development.

Science is good, therefore Hypothesis Driven Development has to be good, right?

What It Is

So there’s this thing called User Stories.

It’s a sentence that structures a set of work for software developers.