I've been in a funk the past few weeks.
You know that late winter, everything's-a-bit-harder, can’t-seem-to-turn-it-on productivity slog?
That's been me.
It happens, being human means productivity peaks and valleys.
But when you're in that valley, or want to stay at that peak, keep it simple:
The mental act of inquiring how the world works is the core of a growth mindset.
You can’t have all the answers, but you can get more by asking more questions.
And when the questions you’re asking are things you are truly interested in:
You tumble down a path of expertise.
The theme of this article provides an excuse to look at cat pictures. It brings joy.
The funny thing about most jobs is that it’s a wonder anything works at all.
Being curious allows you to learn the janky mess that is how your organization actually operates.
Once you start probing different aspects of your job, you identify gaps in ownership.
Those gaps become your expertise.